Tuesday, 16 June 2009

What kind of tree are you?...

Gosh, its quite bad that soon after I decided to start blogging I went away on an extended hiatus! E pele o,it was unintended, but seriously I have to give all you regular bloggers your props oh! Where do you find the time, energy, motivation to blog regularly? I think I'm going to have to take a leaf out of your books and become more focused and determined to blog! But usually after a long day at work the last thing I want to do when I get home is sit in front of my laptop! :-( The blogs that I read, I do so at work- bad I know! Even now I'm typing this at my desk my angel on stand-by lest my boss walk in now and catch me! lol

Okay I am officially back and be warned I am back with a vengeance. I'm bursting with so many thoughts, and I really want this blog to have significance, especially to moi!!

Anyways to the main thoughts on my mind just now...on Sunday we had a very interesting sermon at Church about the fruit bearing life of a Christian and it really hit home with me. My pastor quoted a very famous part of the Bible - "You did not choose me, but I chose you TO go and bear fruit.."...Now I was quoting this verse very happily and merrily along with him, but since the sermon, I've really been pondering on what exactly it means to bear fruit.

Basically today it hit me that every human can be likened to a tree. Now a tree is recognised by its fruit,so I believe God is saying that the only way the world will be able to recognise us as His children, as being different, is by the fruit we bear. The common fruits of the world are anger, immorality, selfishness, pride, envy, jealously, impurity, idolatry etc...these are what most trees out there are displaying. But me, my Father has ordered that the fruits I display are those of love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, selfcontrol, patience, faithfulness and gentleness (Gal 5). Now these fruits are extremely rare on the market, but thay are the juiciest, most nourishing and give life to the tree and others around it.

So I have been thinking lately- what are my fuits like? Do I go about shouting "i'm a Christian tree, Im a Christian tree", but my fruits are exactly the same as every other tree in the orchard? How on earth then will they believe that I am different to them? How on earth will they want to be like me?

Naw, from now on, I need to make sure that the fruits I display make other trees go " Wow, who is your owner, cos we want what you gots!" I know it's not going to be easy cos it initially takes more energy to be patient and calm when you want to rip someones head off, or love someone when they are not very nice to you, but this is what have been called to do. This is what glorifies my Father and causes Him to want to lavish all sorts of blessings on me. This is my purpose and trust,for someone who's been feeling very inconsequential lately, it is exciting news to have a mission, an aim, a reason.

Anyways, bearing fruit is not optional -the alternative is to be caught off the vine (John 15)and that deinitely doesn't sound very pleasant!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Lord, help me a good tree that bears good fruit.
