Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Working from home...?

I woke up really early this morning, like 2am (only cos i went bed ridiculously early like 9 pm!!!- lol) and even that early, I knew that I would be working from home body and mind had collaborated together and had come up with this message for me: " we don't feel like going to work today, so you ain't going!!!" tummy felt a bit funny (I wonder if its the new "diet" Im on) and my head felt heavy. Come 8 am, I messaged my PM and told him that Id be working from home today.

Now, in my head, this was also sposed to give me time to catch up with myself- tidy up, do some exercise, some study for work and most importantly some Bible Study...all nicely fitted around my normal work . But so far Ive only managed to do some blah exercise. (its so discouraging when you start exercising and realise how unfit u are, and also discover areas that u thot were ok, but now need to be worked on hard-core...*sigh*). I have no motivation to do any work. Im sitting here in my PJs and my scarf on my head (tee hee- if only my boss cd see me now) dI cant be bovvered to do anything. I want to go to bed. How terrible is that???

I need to fix up sharpish tho cos I have really begun to notice that lately I sleep wayyy too much..Im talking at least 8 hrs a night or else my body aint happy. This is bad for someone as young as me. My Pastor is always going on about how a Christian should only sleep roughly 5hrs every nite- evrything else is, if i was to sleep 5 hrs now, the first thought in my head when i woke up would be how i need to run home quickly so that i can catch up on my sleep!!!

I need to be more focused and motivated;make better use of my time...goodness if im struggling now, what will happen when im a working wife and mother???I wonder how I can break this addiction of sleep and pattern of disorganisation????HELP!!!


  1. hey thanks 4 dropin by mine. read all your posts a good read. i wish i could help you with the whole being well planned out ish, but i am in need of HELP too!lol.

  2. Hi Gomer,
    Interesting post. This is a common area of conflict for me too. There are only so many hours in a day and an endless list of things to do. Lately especially, I feel like I've been trying to do too much and not doing any of those things very well. And I only have to take care of myself at the moment!

    I think prioritising is definitely key, because we cannot do it all. I try to make time to read the bible everyday, but I'm also realising that I might not be able to do in-depth study most days. I've decided that on Sundays after church, I should devote 2-3 hours at least to private study. As for the sleep thing, I'm still working on that....

  3. lol Chichi...Ore you are so right. Prioritising is definitely the way- you will make time for things that are important. Since my last post, things have actually gotten a lot better..ive started running, which has had a positive effect on my sleeping patterns and as for my devotion time, by His grace Im making more time for Him. im not there yet, but def making this space!!! lol
